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Day-Pack Essentials

Whether I am going on a 15 mile long day hike or a short hike I always carry a day-pack with me. What is in my pack for both the long and short hike truly doesn’t differ that much at all. When I go for any hike I carry a few items that I feel like are always essential to have when out on the trail.

Here is my full list of things that I carry with me on a typical hike:

  • Water

  • You always need to stay hydrated when out of the trail. No matter the weather hot or cold always make sure you have enough water with you. Always check the map before you go on a hike to see if there is place along the hike to fill up your water bottle. If not, make sure you carry enough water then. Also if you are bringing a furry pet along with you don’t forget to bring enough water for them as well.

  • Rain Gear

  • Since I live in Texas I know that you can never truly predict the weather. Having rain gear has a few different purposes to it. It can keep you dry when it is raining, keep the wind off of you when it is cold, and you can use it as an extra layer in case it does get cold.

  • First Aid Kit

  • Some people will carry a store bought first aid kit which is totally okay but I like to make my own because I know I don’t need 1,000 adhesive bandages and random ointments. I will go thru and take out the things I don’t need and will add some of my personal things as well. I always carry a good amount of mole skin when going on a long hike in case of blistering. As well if you are going on a hike with a group of people not everyone needs a first aid kit so you can decide as a group who will bring one.

  • Sun Protection

  • Making sure to wear sun screen on sunny days as well as not so sunny day. Don’t just apply it one time and think you are good for the whole time you are out hiking. Make sure that you reapply the sunscreen as needed. Sun protection can also be having a hat, sunglasses, and long sleeve shirt as well.

  • Map

  • When going on an unfamiliar trail I always make sure to have a map with me. It can be a paper map or a copy of a map on your phone. I like to have paper copies because you never know if on the trail if you will have phone service. Having a copy of the map can help you if you get lost or help find resting spots along the hike.

  • Trail Food

  • Food is very important in my life so I like to carry snacks with me at all times. Not full out meals unless I plan on having lunch on the trail. I will carry with me typically some granola, trail mix, or some fruit.

  • Flashlight

  • Even if you are hiking in the middle of the day it is not a bad idea to carry a flashlight with you. If you do get lost and the day turns to night that flashlight will come in handy. What if you find a cave and you want to see inside of it? You need that flashlight!

  • Pocketknife

  • I am not one for some big flashy pocketknife. I just a small multi-tool knife with me. Some people might prefer a big knife or some people might just bring finger nail clippers.

  • Fire Starter/Lighter

  • I carry just a simple lighter with me when out on the trail. You can carry flint and steel, matches, battery and steel wool. It is all about preference and how you prefer to start a fire. I prefer just the lighter because it is a lot faster than the other methods.

  • (EXTRA) Hammock

  • If I know I am going to be able to find a spot to hammock and relax for a little bit I might bring my hammock with me but it also depends on how much room I have in my pack as well.

These are just the essentials that I try to carry with me every time that I got on a hike. I got the general idea on what I should pack from when I was in Boy Scouts and we had the “10 Essentials”. I carry all of these items in my day-pack. Currently right now I am using a REI Co-Op Flash 18 Pack. The Flash 18 is a ripstop nylon 18 liter/1100 cubic inch day pack with a pouch for a water bladder. Prior to that, I used a Camelbak 2006 Cloud Walker. I had this day-pack for 12 years before it finally when it is last hike. The pack you choose to carry everything in should be picked completely by comfort. If you are going to be carry anything for a good amount of time you want to make sure that it is not rubbing you or making you feel uncomfortable.

What are the essentials that you pack with you when you go on a hike? Leave a comment below and let me know!

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