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A Texan Living in Washington DC!

If you would have asked me a few months ago if I ever saw myself living in Washington DC, I would have said no immediately. I never really saw myself moving out of the state of Texas besides maybe moving to Colorado to be closer to the mountains. But when the opportunity arose I didn't even think twice and here I am 3 months into living in Washington, DC.

Luckily I am in the same line of work that I was before so there isn't much job adjustment that I am having to go through. But the biggest adjustment for me is living in a big city. Since graduating high school I have lived in a rural town that is really not that big. Canyon, TX has a population of 15,000 and Commerce, TX has a population of 9,200. Compare that to the population of Washington DC at 670,000 and that is a drastic difference. I know it isn't as big as Dallas, where I grew up but it is still a lot. People here are always on the go, there is always traffic at all times of the day and what really got me was that a lot of people don't drive here still. A lot of people don't have cars because they will walk everywhere or use the metro system to get anywhere. Well at least when I moved here I thought it was crazy, but now having lived here for 3 months I rarely use my car. I honestly prefer to walk to most places. I walk to work every day (it is only 4 blocks), walk to the grocery store, and walk to go grab drinks. You name it and I will walk there, unless if it is over 3 miles I won't walk that far.

I have been living in downtown Washington DC for the last 3 months and have been living life like a tourist for the majority of it. I have been to a lot of the museums, the National Mall (almost every day), the White House, seen the cherry blossoms, almost all the monuments at the National Mall, and even seen the motorcade and Marine One a few times. I tell myself all the time that I need to stop being a tourist and start blending in with the locals and find out the things that they are doing.

That's my plan for the next few weeks, go to fewer tourist places to eat, try a local bar (or few), venture outside the DMV more, go hiking, and maybe even join a new running group. I haven't made many new friends since moving here yet, but I am determined to make new friends! (If you know anyone in the DMV area tell them to hit me up) I do have friends coming in to visit over the next few months so that will be really exciting.

My plan is to also start blogging more again to share my experience here in the nations capital with all of you. If you have any recommendations for places for me to check out, feel free to reach out to me and let me know.



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